Management is a fancy way of saying that we integrate any/all of the subsystems to provide a simple control. Using a touchpanel or web browser, management has control over all aspects of the technology in your business. Lighting schedules can be created or changed, HVAC setpoints can be monitored or changed, audio and video can be turned on/off and sources changed. This control is available anywhere within the facility or the world via the internet. Imagine being away from the office and being able to monitor the security system, lighting, temperature settings, audio/video usage and security cameras; all through a web browser.
Installing a management system also insures that all systems work easily, assuring that any authorized user can use a subsystem. This is particularly important with presentation systems because they almost invariably have many different users. The management system monitors the status of all of the devices in the system and will automatically trigger any devices needed with the touch of a single button.
Products such as Creston’s RoomView® Remote Asset Management software provide centralized asset management and a choice of real-time or Web-based monitoring of multiple control systems. RoomView provides facility managers, media directors and IT specialists with an efficient, fully customizable point-and-click interface and a simple “at-a-glance” view of the entire control system network. RoomView multi-user resource management allows you to monitor the status of rooms throughout a facility, perform system diagnostics, track device usage and projector lamp hours, log user activity, automate tasks through event scheduling, and much more.
A couple of examples of how a management system automates various tedious functions:
Arming the security system to “away” turns the HVAC system to energy saving mode, turns off all “non-emergency” lights and turns off all audio/video/VTC components. You don’t have to go through the building changing thermostat settings and turning off lights and components.
Plugging a laptop into the computer video input in the conference table automatically dims the lights, shuts the shades, drops the screen, turns on the projector or flat panel, turns on the audio and switches the display and audio components to the correct inputs. A specified time after the laptop is turned off or unplugged the system shuts everything down automatically.